Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Becoming A Wife

So after hearing all this stuff about waiting and guarding your heart for the man that you deserve, have you ever stopped and asked yourself, "Do I deserve him?"

Think about it. You can't just expect this dream guy to show up in your life one day and live happily ever after. You have to prepare.

I'm sure you've heard the saying "It's better to give, than to receive". Well it's the same way in a relationship. Whether it's a friendship or a marriage, you're main goal should always be to give. It should never be "What can I get out of this", but "What can I give?".
If you are in a relationship right now, just because you want to receive attention or sympathy, or just because it 'feels good', you are not doing it right. (we will talk more on that another time.)

Ways to prepare:
1. Spend time in God's Word. Reading the Bible always refreshes your mind and heart, and each time you read you're guaranteed to learn something new.
2. Talk with God. Praying is also good for your heart and mind, and after all, Jesus loves hearing from us!
3. Pray for your future husband. You never know where he could be at this very moment, so just ask God to protect him, and his heart.
4. Work on serving God and others. Outreach, mission trips, etc. is a good way to use our 'single' time.

When I was praying for my future husband one day, I found myself asking,"Lord PLEASE guard his heart for me. I want SO badly for him to guard his heart." And that's when it hit me. Am I even guarding my heart for him? Here I am pleading to God to help save my future husband's heart for me, when in reality, I'm not really doing such a good job of that myself. He could be praying for me and wanting so badly for me to guard my heart.
And that's when I realized I really have to start preparing for him. So what if I'm only 12? It doesn't matter! You can start wherever, whenever, however, just DO IT.



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