Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Beauty & The Broken

\ \ D E P R E S S I O N / /

A very raw, touchy subject. It's probably not what most people would choose to write about. Or at least publicly blog about anyway. But here I am. So if you'll bare with me, I'd like to share with you some things that have been weighing heavily on me lately, and maybe by doing so, I can possibly help somebody. 

When you hear the word "depression" you might think of those commercials advertising for meds, with people in their late 40's, looking down and well..depressed. Or maybe you think of an "emo" teenage boy with hair covering his eyes, dressed in all black with scars on his wrist. Or maybe, you think of a mother of three, lying in her bed alone, without having eaten or nearly moved in days. Whatever it is that may define depression for you, I have a couple different opinions of my own. I believe some people may be clinically diagnosed, therefore medication may be necessary. I also believe, the word itself can be used as an adjective so to speak. Where as some people might just have a tendency to fall into it every now and then. But I'm not just talking about having a few bad days here and there. I mean quite often, and for sometimes, no reason at all. This seems to be very common among teens and young people today. Some worse than others. So, when I use the word "depressed" in any form, I'm not just referring to medically. Although I understand the severe significance of this, I might also be considering the overall meaning. 
 - Depression:
severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. - 

Ultimately, WE control our happiness. We wake up in the morning and decided whether or not we're going to have a good day. We choose to smile, or not to smile. But when it comes to depression, that choice slowly fades. It's as if there is no other option. You just feel this way, and that is all. Like the poem from above stated, you try and try to be happy, but you simply cannot. You try to hang out with friends and family, go out and make plans to occupy yourself, and you might put on a front but inside, truthfully, you're broken. You can't feel it. For almost everyone there's a root to it all somewhere. Bullies, insecurities, health issues, relationships, divorced parents, self image, etc. For some people, their day to day life is filled with nothing but pain. From the outside, we might look at them and see what seems to be a great life. But on the inside, all they can see is pure pain. All they can feel is hurt. They've lost all sense of self worth, purpose, importance, love. They live without the light on. 

Well these people? These precious people need you and me to come into their lives and flip the light switch for them. As difficult as it may be to get through to them, or even make a difference for them, we have to try. All around, on this messed up, sinful earth, there are beings fighting their own daily battles. Whatever those may be. Big or small. God places people in your life for a reason. And get this, we're just as messed up and broken as those we're trying to help! So how does that work, you may ask? Well because Christ forgives us and He uses us to do amazing things, if we let Him. In fact, He likes to use the most broken and unlikely people to do the most extraordinary stuff. He's displayed this clearly in several acts found in the Bible today. 

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." - Romans 8:26

He is also here in our darkest times of need. He will never let us down, nor leave us no forsake us. When all else fails, when it seems everyone around you has left or dissapointed you, He is still there. He actually wants us to come to Him with our troubles and comfort us through our sorrows. Gosh, He's the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for!

"Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." - 1st Peter 5:7

" Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." - Romans 12:12

And when it seems you have nothing left in you, when you're completely burnt out, tired of feeling, tired of living, remember to whom you belong. We were created for a reason. We each have a purpose. I'm sure you've heard of Jeremiah 29:11 before, "'For I know the plans I have you, ' says the Lord. 'Plans to give you a hope and a future.'" We have to be greater than our struggles.

So help a friend out. Or a total stranger. Just be Jesus, for most people don't get to experience Him. Spread the light. Even if yours is withering in the wind, sharing it with others' makes it that much stronger.