Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's a Cold Life

"Cold, cold, go away, come again some other day."

I'll start off with saying, I don't have a very strong immune system. I catch things constantly! So Zane and Gabe were generous enough to hand it down to me ;) I've had this runny nose/sore throat since Tuesday, and thank you Lord, I'm getting better! I'd say the key is Vick's. VapoRub, Vaporizer, I've been on it ever since and it's working. But over-all, it's just a minor cold. Gabster on the other hand...not so much. Poor kid has a wet cough, runny nose, and who knows what else! He could have a sore throat, but obviously, how are we gonna know?! But we do know that he has a scheduled dentist appointment for March 19, that we've been waiting on for over 4 months. He has to go under major anesthesia, to have almost all of his teeth removed. Which means he has to be completely healthy. So yeah, prayers are appreciated!! We've been on a 5 month waiting list to get in for this app. and we're not planning on missing it! We're all more then ready to say goodbye to bad breath and bloody gums!!! 

I'll leave you with a couple pictures of Gabster....


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