Wednesday, May 23, 2012


"And the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty,"
1 Corinthians 12:23 NIV

I've been thinking and hearing a lot about modesty lately, and decided to discuss the subject here on Living Out Proverbs 24:12. What does modesty mean to you? To me, it means covering up your body and not showing off the things that don't need to be seen. That doesn't mean you have to cover up every inch of your body, or go to extremes. You can still dress outside your box, but in His book. For example, don't wear shorts that look like underwear, or shirts that show off your belly button. For me, I feel comfortable in long shirts. I do wear shorts, just not super short. Skirts, jeans, and capri's are great if you want to go longer then shorts. My good friend, Alyssa, has decided to fast from jeans for the month, and live on skirts. 

 She's committed to keeping her body pure, and dress with God in mind. Which in this generation, is not easy to do. She also introduced me to a blog called Fresh Modesty 
which was created by a teen who also wants to stay modest and pure. 
 So you see, you can be cute and covered at the same time! I 
have just gotten into maxi dresses and skirts, so I would wear one any day! It's a great way to be comfortable, modest, casual, and classy all at the same time!
One of the main reasons girls choose to dress in-modestly, is because they want a guy's attention. Well first of all, if the only reason a guy is attracted to you is because of the way you dress, you've got the wrong guy. When you are at the appropriate age and looking for 'Mr. right' then you should look for a man who will love you for you. Not your outward appearance, but the inside, your personality, your heart. Because styles and fashions always change and fade away, but your heart shouldn't. You need someone who will love you for YOU. 

So cover up and keep your body pure!!

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