First off, our family is not materialistic at all- or at least we try not to be. So when Christmas comes around, we celebrate it a little differently. (more to come on that.)
But anyway, we went to Walmart Thanksgiving night, to get a good deal on some bikes for Jude and Zane because they were outgrowing theirs and we needed them for our camping trip next week.
I had never gone Black Friday/Thanksgiving shopping before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. It was around 9pm and we had just eaten wayyy too much so I was half awake. Which just added to the INSANity in that store. I had never seen a store so crowded in my life. There were huge lines through out the store, of people waiting for the release of some electronic. There were several moms with sleeping kids in their cart. But that's not what made my stomach turn. (and neither was the food.)
I think it just hit me while I was walking down the aisles full of toys and accessories. It hit me that hundreds of people will come out and spend hours shopping and standing in crazy long lines, while there are millions of orphans around the world, hanging on a thread. I was hit by the question, 'Would Jesus be pleased to see this?' Just because we may not see anything wrong with obsessing over these Black Friday deals and materialism, doesn't mean it's right.
I imagined millions of people flooding orphanage gates with toys and food and warm clothes. I saw families loving on orphaned kiddos. And THAT, is what I believe God made us to do.
We were made to live for and spread the word of God. To make disciples. To be Jesus in this desperate world. To love the least of these.
Think about it- If Jesus came to earth every Christmas, do you honestly think you would see Him standing in lines at stores? Do you think you would find Him writing letters to Santa? No. I think I would see Him spending the holiday with the homeless, and orphans. I think the greatest gift someone can give is love. Jesus gives that gift to us everyday, and never stops giving it. And I find that much more valuable than a plastic toy that a kid's going to get tired of in the next three weeks. Much more valuable than any laptop or tv that's going to brake or go out of season in a year or two. And much more valuable than any piece of clothing that's going to be outgrown and out of style before you know it.
I much rather spend my time advocating for orphans, and giving to the poor and hungry. I see the impact and memories lasting a life time. Verses a materialistic gift, lasting only a few months, if even.
I'm not trying to bash those who go Christmas shopping. I'm just saying, don't say you don't have the time or money to give to the less fortunate. Or to do outreach in your community, or donate to an adopting family, when you're standing in lines for hours or spending hundreds of dollars. I'm sharing my opinion, and my guess at what Jesus sees. I'm also hoping that when you're done reading this, you will be changed. Take a minute and ask God to break your heart for what brakes His. To open your eyes to the bigger picture, and to the lost and hopeless around the world. Ask Him to help guide you towards outreach. To show you the needs, and to help you love like He does. Go ahead. Do it right now.
Happy holidays,
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