I am a 12 year old girl, with emotions, hormones, and attitude. I am a sinner, just like every single person on this earth. Despite my joyful, random, giggly, shy, compassionate personality, my heart is full of sin and ungratefulness. No matter how much I go on about the things I'm thankful for, I get tangled up in the world's many webs of ungrateful, bad attitudes, and arguments. In other words, I disrespect my parents, start arguments, butt heads, just like everyone does now and then. And that's simply because we were born into this world, sinfully. Thanks to Adam and Eve, the world is sinful. But that's another story. What I'm trying to say is, I AM thankful for everything I have, and I know I don't deserve it all. But when I do disrespect and get in a bad attitude, I forget all that. I forget that I am way beyond blessed by God. I forget that there are others out there that are not as fortunate as me. I know you're probably thinking, 'what is this girl talking about??'. Mainly because I am a major advocater and am involved in orphans and special needs. So why would I be admitting to the fact that I can be unthankful and selfish? Because I am human. I was created by the perfect, king of kings, the unconditional loving, Father, yet I live in this world. In which we all know, is unGodly and in no way, perfect. And I just have one thing to say to those who want everything they see, and think the world revolves around them- IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. It's not!!! You're blessed if you have clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and food and water. Somethings some people don't have. Some people around the world. Foreign countries, no matter how fancy or beautiful they may be, are not as fortunate as America. Believe it or not. And that's one of the reasons I choose places like Europe to advocate for, or adopt from. But we all know, Africa is one of the most poorest and famished continents. Recently, while I was scrolling down Facebook's home page, I stumbled upon this picture. I have seen several pitiful pictures of people in Africa, in desperate conditions. But when I saw this, I literally froze. My draw dropped, and I stared at the two unbelievably skinny and starving children in the photo. These two were nothing but skin and bones, hardly any skin. With hearts aching and reaching out, desperately asking for help. For food, water, aid, ANYTHING. You can just see it in their eyes. The sadness and hopelessness.
And so, this is my heart. This was me pouring out, sharing my thoughts and feelings. And hopefully, a wake up call to you.
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