I don't know about you, but that is one of the scariest words for me. Probably because it's one of my biggest stumbling blocks. Learning to be content is a constant process. So many of us base our happiness off of current circumstances. That's where we fall.
And I'm speaking of myself here too. Like I said, this is something I struggle with on a daily basis.
As I've been guilty of this very doing myself, I know several people who demonstrate the same. Like for instance, and I see this happen all the time, "life" can be just miserable and downing for someone until they meet someone or enter a relationship and now all the sudden life is fantastic! The problem with this is, one day that person is no longer going to be there or they're going to let you down in some way or another (because we're human and it happens). And then what? Do you go back to being miserable? It's difficult, but we can't build so much up into someone because we are basing our happiness on them and like stated, humans are messy and sinful and we screw up. We simply cannot put our emotions in the hands of anything or anyone, except God. He can't screw up. He will never let us down. He will never leave us. He is perfect in every way, and He freaking adores us. Why not pursue someone that so passionately pursues you back?
Being said, He has each of us where we are, when we are, for a reason. This is the thing I've been trying so desperately to get. As well as trust. Faith. Faith in the Lord and trust that He knows what He's doing, and He wouldn't waste our time here on earth. I'm pretty sure just about everyone knows Jeremiah 29:11, yes? He has plans for us! Plans to prosper and not to harm us. Therefore, we just have to learn to be content with where we are. Wherever that may be. Accept it and give it our all. {Colossians 3:23}
Our joy should come from the Lord. Happiness is temporary. Joy is everlasting. It's deep. It's the little smile we can somehow make, even when we're in the darkest storm. It's knowing that life is indeed good, in-spite of the current circumstances.
I often find myself thinking, "man if I just had someone like that in my life.." or "if I could just get that I'd be totally fine" but no. Things of this earth are temporary. Sure, it'll make us feel good for the time being. Or yeah okay, having a boyfriend or girlfriend may make us forget about our problems for a little, or make us feel good about ourselves but eventually that relationship is going to end (especially if you're in high school, just the way it is) most likely. Or that person will hurt us in sooome way and now all of our discontentment and unsettled issues come crawling back. We HAVE to learn contentment and completion in Christ before we can pursue anyone or anything. My mom always told me otherwise whenever someone would use the common expression "you complete me" or "you're my other half, I'm nothing without you!" That you cannot rely on another human being to "complete" you. She's the one that taught me that only Jesus can do so.
Simply put, if you're not happy with yourself right now, you won't be happy when you're with someone else. Trust me, I'm still working on grasping that. I'm still on the pursuit of